venerdì 29 dicembre 2006


Disappointed, Im totally disappointed about life, nothing is like Id want it to be but its well known that my dreams could never become real but, even if its not a surprise and Im quite used to it, Id like to destroy something for the amount of rage Ive inside instead of being always quite and limit myself to blasphemies (thousands a day, but theyre only words...acts are more effective!).
Disappointed by men, why do they all see me only as a sexual toy and not like a person?
-Hey, even if I put my tounge in your mouth for 3 hours and felt your tits were still friends as I dont wanna have love relations at the moment, but its good to see you once a month just for having sex even if Im not interested in you but for your vagina. 
-Hello there, Im a great bit of ass who can have anything he wants, at the moment were together so why dont u decrease the pressure of my khram with a liquid explosion or with a shag? You know, I could have someone else but now youre here and Ive a certain sexual urge.
-Come on, even if were friends we could just have sex for the sake of it, there wont be any consequence of it since its only a gesture of pure physical attraction between a man and a woman and I dont give even a fuck of age difference cause genitals are the same.
I wanna be sick, I wanna be sick. The latter thing hurt me more because its an excerpt of the conversation of last night, I was a bitch in the first wo cases satisfying those mens necessities but I wont be the same now, I quitted with men on August because I prefer to be an asexual frigid spinster than a sexy toy in mens hands, Im waiting for the right person able to give me sweetness and cuddling me for hours instead of talking about blowjobs, shags and hand jobs at once!
Disappointed by myself because it always ends in the same way: I fuck up everything just thinking to do the right thing but always turning in a complete destruction of all things I really believed in and were my main hope to live a better life in future. Ok, Im a loser and I should be used to feel like this but its hard to admitt to have been destroyed by your own hands; my official saying of 2006 seemed to be "Destroy all dreams illusions damned in fire" since no dream of mine turned to be true in a whole year and Ive never dreamed to be as rich as Bill Gates is! So even simple dreams never turned in reality, Im really damned to live a senseless life, wicked!
Since Im a bit angry I should tell you another thing I cant bear: why the fuck should I spend the new years eve night wandering like a gypsy all night long in a very ugly city instead of staying in a warmer place and get possibly totally drunk? I dont wanna an eve like that (disappointed for this too), I dont wanna go to walk around in a place I dont like waiting for midnight and then stay at cold temperature other 6 hours to wait for a fucking train to go back home, Id rather prefer to be at home alone and dont call me misanthrope cause the idea to spend 10 hours to wander on foot in a december night is just silly IMHO!
New years coming and thiss the time to make a report of the whole 2006. An year of the greatest contrappositions ever seen in my life; my feelings were treated in the worst possible way, treaded on without any respect but, on the side of satisfactions, Ive found good friends that still like going out with me (a thing quite rare in my life) then Ive found out again my special net bf but thiss another story.
What do I hope for 2007? Revenge (oh yeah), more satisfactions, realizing at least one project of mine (one out of 4/5 at least), improving my english with a travel abroad and some secret proposals Ill never write here.


"Dødsfrykt tek deg halsen om"

La være å overlate meg alene! Vær så snill!



sabato 23 dicembre 2006

I drømme

Its 23/12/06, tomorrow will be my minun rakas Hunajapentus birthday (perkele, Ill be your eternal web nuisance since I care of you a lot!). I cant think about the moment hell open that envelope and will be very disappointed seeing my very poor present but I wasnt able to find anything better even if he deserves all the best things in this world just for the fact to stand me everyday with my fucking blackmails just to get some Parkalot (were addicted, yeah ) and some words pronunced by his beautiful voice. Im like some english authors of a certain age I cannot remember at the present moment, like Captain Walton in Shelleys Frankenstein: Im longing for the north since it represent a dreamt world of wellness and satisfactions never achieved here where people like to mock at me, the north for me means fulfilling my inner desires ("Feel the passion enjoy the thrill, release your fear follow your will. Come to me and confide your trust join me in this dance of mortal lust"). I hope to reach the north Im looking for someday just to live my life with happiness satisfied of my past and with a promising future in front.
Changing radically subject itll be christmas in 2 days and so


just not to be unpolite with my few blogs readers even if I hate these stupid religious holidays though Hunajapentus a xamskid (but it wasnt his fault ), anyway having 2 days offs always appreciated...Im a smart arse, you know

"When I walk my path I feel secure,
confident that my voice will lead the way.
Even though I walk alone I am not lonely,
for all my thoughts are impulses from spirits"

good you worked if not Id have blown you

Gledelig Jul min engel. J.E.D. for alltid



sabato 16 dicembre 2006

Letter to you :)

Since in this last period my primary languages becoming english (I write in english, speak to myself in english, even sometimes dream in english) the most natural way to write something in this blog will be expressing myself in the language I like more even ifs not my native one
Ive lost all interests in writing a blog, nothing happens in my life or, at least, nothing worth to be mentioned here. I could tell you about the great friendship Ive with a sweet puppy that lives 2700 Kms far from me but Im sure youd never understand anything, I could tell you about that broken in the ass guy used to mock at me for a year or so but itd be a quite boring subject bad for the health of my stomach. The other part of my lifes boring and quiet (but Ive never told of it here and Im not going to begin now!), horoscope told me two days ago that one of my dreams should become real in these days but nothing is happened yet (but Im sure itll never happen), strange since on last monday it told me something true but maybe it was just a matter of luck.
Illusions are good to make you feel far from reality, help you to dream again not considering how much shit theres in your life but when they crumble on you its normal to suffer a lot cause theres no more the main aim of your life. Yes, why do we live if not for trying to reach what we want? Call me a dreamer, but I like to live to reach what are my dreams (and I wont explain them now), if I dont succeed Ill be executed like my Kazakh hero, jagshemash ).
Now its another Saturday evening that means eating pizza with fuckin italian mozzarella \m/ and watching a movie thatll be The terminal in original language and subbed in spanish (yeah, I cant speak spanish  but its the same, another stimulus for getting myself to understand spoken english) and after that Ill go out with my friends hoping to have a funny time with them just not to think about what my life is since 3 years...sadness, absolutely sadness after 834 days of ordeal, a day more means another tear to add to those 834 were already poured.

"Seduced by the fire of power
Blessed with the gift of deception
I will become the reigning master
Fullfilling my desires for perfection"

Takk kjære, jeg lever stille til tross for begivenheter



mercoledì 6 dicembre 2006

Kamp min

Eh lo so, scrivo poo e nulla ma è un periodo quite busy of my life e poper la gentehe vien qui scrivun post al mese mi paranche sufficiente. Veniamalleose di cui voleo ragionà da quanto? un par di settimane? E bello vedè come la genthe tu volei tempo fa e che un ti caava nemmen di strisciora ti venga ricercà e ti fa le propostine tromberecce ma te ormai un te ne fregun cazzo e può andà affanculo lue chi è...i ruoli si scambiano e alla fine qualcheduno la dee sempre piglià nel culo (meglio che un sia io comunque)!
La voglia di vendettè tanta nei confronti duna certa persona ma si sa che la vendettè un piatto che si gusta meglio fredde quindi aspetterò quei 20 giorni di comporto per loccasionissima, mi spremeròl cervello comho fatto nel tempo perso (troppo) con lui e qualcosa si sperà di riavacci, anche la su ammissione dessun gay di merda rotton culo che si meritaltro che ceffoni nel viso per riuscì a buttà a merda dellamicizie che un ti dio possan esse fondamentali ma se non altro utili come tutteuellaltre soltanto perchè una bestia che se sente lodor di donna che gliela vol dà un fa di certo storia tirassi fori la fava e ficcagielan bocca e poi sparisce per 6 mesi perchè alla fine rende di più accoppiassi coi cignali che channun coito di 30 minuti (che lui si sogna...). Vabbè cazzacci sua, la mi vitè cambiata e di certun ho voglia di perdemicci dietrunaltra volta, mi dispiace solo per quei 5 € buttati nel cessa comprà dei profilattici che mi son rimasti sul groppone per un 66,666666% e un ci sarà verso di smaltilli visto che un pratio più un si sa quanto per scelta personalo forzata.
Comunque delle volte succedandelleose che un tu taspetteresti mai, che, anche se ci stonano parecchio, alla fine hanno fatto bena succede perchè tu hascoperto dei lati belle nascosti e anche se quel log un tu lo leggerai mai più proprio perchè dissonante dal contesto tu ti riorderai per sempre quantè stao bello e allo stesso tempo tu spererai che venga dimentiatal più presto perchè timmagini la figura di merda riordallo faccia faccia??? Tutta colpa della mi sfaccia sincerità malla fine meglio vive di sogni che di prese per il culo reali, ipse dixit anno domini 2006.

"I am what is remembered, my malice is what remains!"

Hjelpe meg, få meg til å vinne minst på denne måten!

07/12/06 17:47

Ho rilettun po il mi blog, tutto quel che aveo scritto nei momentin cui stao male e mè venua tristezza, ma tanta tristezza: poera bischera gioì in quelle pooccasioni di felicità, a fassi castellin aria per un futuro che un verà mai, a sperà di potè esse felice. E invece no. Io comallora cho da soffrì, sta male un vedè mai realizzatol che voglio mallora mi vien da chiedemmi: a che cazzo servo se un posso vedè i mi desideri realizzati? Un chiedo la luna, solo la pacenteriore ma un cè stao verso nei mesi scorsi e un ci sarà nemmenon quelli venturi perchè tutti partan dal presupposto del che cazzo se ne frega. Finchè cè da piglià ben venga poi quande tuharotti coglioni buonanottal secchio e fatti pur ammazzà che un tu sealtro che carne da macello. Lo deo fanchio ma da quantè che lo dio??? anni??? e ancorun mè riuscio di combinà una sega nulla ma del resto se un cè respect for me why should I have it for others???

